We had a great time with these wonderful students from
3T1 & 3T2 of Tampines Secondary School
for Camp Outreach 2009!
Here are the pictures of the camp!
Registration & Briefing

Group time
Group Mascots

Happy Meals, Happy people

Games and more games


Hot sun, hot field, hot people, hot fun

Jump because you need to

Night of countless Talents

Thank you dearest students,
for giving your 100% in all the activites you participated in!
The reason the camp was such a great and fun one,
was because of the energy and enthusiasm you guys put into it!
Special thanks to the wonderful
teachers-to-be from NIE for giving your time and energy
to make the last week of school a truly memorable one for these students!
We hope you all had an amazing time,
the way we did!
Spend your holidays wisely,
and remember,
what you believe you will be.
it's only a matter of attitude, skill and strategy!