Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Party @ AVIVA

Wishing well disbursement cum Christmas Party at Avivia on 17 December. Students past and present were invited to Aviva for a Christmas party with their family.

Games booths, a cotton candy station, an Arts and Craft station and a bazaar were set up! The children definitely had lots of fun playing at the various stations where there were prizes to be won, checking out the cotton candy machine and doing their very own Christmas craft to bring home.

Every child in attendance was granted a Christmas present. Their bubbling excitement even before they laid hands on their presents was felt around the room. To see their faces lit up the first time they look through the lens of their new spectacles, to see them ripping out a big box they have just received and the delight on their faces to see they favourite things, brought to us an indescribable joy. Their glee and ecstasy was so contagious!

Thank you, AVIVA for spreading Christmas joy to these children and all around them! :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Howdy everybody! In line with International Volunteer Day, The Team at SAC organized a mini celebration to appreciate the volunteers we had, having, and will have in the future! These are the volunteers who have, in their own ways, contribute to our society and to our youth! These are the people who have gone M.A.D.

What M.A.D, you may say. They have either Made A Difference to someone, is currently Making A Difference, or will continue to Make A Difference. Hence, they have all gone M.A.D!

Dear students, if they have made a difference to you in your life and in any way, we encourage you to appreciate them for their time and effort, and for who they are, just as they accept you for who you are! =)

The Team at SAC wish to say a very heartfelt "Thank You" to all volunteers.
Thank You!!!