We had an amazing 9 hours with these wonderful students
from 4O2 + 511 from Ping Yi Secondary School!
We gotta be honest here.
These guys were truly amazing!
Your energy and enthusiasm really got us all energized!
Limits - There are none.

Remember, we are able to control our STATE!

The final battle of Memory Champs!

Good job to both of you! Amazing stuff guys!
Very proud of you all!

What a great time I had!

Remember the 3 people who keep us going,
when the going gets tough!

4O2 + 511,
You guys were truly amazing!
You made the 9 hours such a breeze,
and you made learning so awesome and fun for all of us.
Thank you!

Choices have
Consequences.Commitment is
100% Participation.
There is
no T.R.Y, only
Do.Average is our greatest
The only
limits we have, are the limits we set on
Dearest 4O2 + 511,
you guys have got so much
both in your studies and outside of it.
give your best in what you do,
and stay around to reap the
benefits of your
hard work!
Cheering you guys on for you O levels!
All the best!