Hello to all Bedok Town Sec 4A1 to 4A6!!! First and foremost, you guys and girls are SIMPLY AWESOME!!! Your participation and enthusiasm blew us away! Thank you for spending the three days in Start Right Programme and we hope you continue to practice the ABCs of starting right!
Piecing up the puzzles (of our lives)

Even with fun, we can complete our task!

It was definitely hard work!

Our puzzle, our life, our pride

Putting in our heart and soul into a task...
A ttitude = Altitutde
Remember the missing person you all drew, that these missing person with good qualities, strength, values, knowledge and skills can be you. Remember the masking tape activity, where the more you practice a habit, good or bad, it gets stronger each time and it becomes harder to break out of it. Strengthen your good habits and tear away your bad ones. Remember the 7 habits of highly effective teens.
B egin with an end in mind
Remember the puzzle you did, that with a picture in mind, we can piece up the puzzle more efficiently. Of course, the determination to complete what you have started! Good job for completing the puzzle, it was really not easy! Remember the tower you have built, no one told you whether it should be the tallest tower or the biggest, it is about you having an end in mind to build a tower of your own. Remember the carpenter story. Remember the goals you have set.
C hoose wisely
We all have 24 hours. Remember your priorities and the choices you make in order to manage your time well! Remember to choose wisely!
A heartfelt thank you to all students who came, for the joy and laughter you brought along, and for some, tears too! Thank you to all volunteers who made this possible! =D
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